***Niley's Wonderful Questing Services - OSRS GP***

Discussion in 'Oldschool 07 RuneScape Questing Services' started by Niley, Dec 23, 2019.

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***Niley's Wonderful Questing Services - OSRS GP***
  1. Unread #1 - Dec 23, 2019 at 11:07 AM
  2. Niley
    Nov 3, 2016
    Sythe Gold:

    Niley Member

    ***Niley's Wonderful Questing Services - OSRS GP***

    Hello everyone, I am offering Questing services tailored to suit all your needs for reasonable prices. I am a new seller here on Sythe and Customer satisfaction is my number 1 priority. I also offer Questing packages and miniquests.

    All services are hand done and you are more than welcome to ask for a screenshot during the service. If requested, I can send you screenshots regularly upon finishing each quest.

    Feel free to message me on Discord!


    Black Knight's Fortress 750k
    Cook's Assistant Free
    The Corsair Curse 1m
    Demon Slayer 750k
    Doric's Quest Free
    Dragon Slayer 2m
    Ernest the Chicken 750k
    Goblin Diplomacy 500k
    Imp Catcher Free
    The Knight's Sword 1m
    Misthalin Mystery 1m
    Pirate's Treasure 750k
    Prince Ali Rescue 750k
    The Restless Ghost 250k
    Romeo & Juliet 500k
    Rune Mysteries 500k
    Sheep Shearer Free
    Shield of Arrav 1m
    Vampire Slayer 500k
    Witch's Potion Free
    X marks the spot 500k


    Animal Magnetism 2m
    Another Slice of H.A.M 2m
    The Ascent of Arceuus 1m
    Between a Rock... 2.5m
    Big Chompy Bird 1m
    Biohazard 2m
    Bone Voyage 1m (1.5) if kudos
    Cabin Fever 2m
    Client of Kourend 1m
    Clock Tower 1m
    Cold War 3m
    Contact! 2m
    Creature of Fenkenstrain 1.5m
    Darkness of Hallowvale 5m
    Death Plateau 1m
    Death to the Dorgeshuun 2m
    The Depths of Despair 1m
    Desert Treasure 6m
    Devious Minds 1m
    The Dig Site 2.5m
    Dragon Slayer Part 2 15m
    Dream Mentor 3m
    Druidic Ritual 500k
    Dwarf Cannon 1m
    Eadgar’s Ruse 3m
    Eagle's Peak 2m
    Elemental Workshop 1m
    Elemental Workshop Part 2 2m
    Enakhra's Lament 2m
    Enlightened Journey 2.5m
    The Eyes of Glouphrie 2.5m
    Fairytale Part 1 - Growing Pains 2m
    Fairytale Part 2 - Cure a Queen 1.5m
    Family Crest 2m
    The Feud 2m
    Fight Arena 1m
    Fishing Contest 750k
    Forgettable Tale... 3m
    The Forsaken tower 1.5m
    The Fremennik Exiles 4m
    The Fremennik Trials 3m
    The Fremennik Isles 3m
    Garden of Tranquillity 4m
    Gertrude's cat 1m
    The Giant Dwarf 2.5m
    The Golem 1m
    The Grand Tree 3m
    The Great Brain Robbery 2.5m
    Grim tales 1.5m
    Ghost ahoy 3m
    The Hand in the Sand 1m
    Haunted Mine 2.5m
    Heroes Quest 2m
    Holy Grail 2m
    Horror from the Deep 1.5m
    Icthlarin's Little Helper 2m
    In Aid of the Myreque 3m
    In Search of the Myreque 1m
    Jungle Potion 1m
    King's Ransom 2m
    Legends' Quest 5m
    Lost City 1m
    The Lost Tribe 1m
    Lunar Diplomacy 6m
    Making friends with my arm 3m
    Making History 1m
    Merlin's Crystal 1m
    Monk's Friend 750k
    Monkey Madness Part 1 3m
    Monkey Madness Part 2 15m
    Mountain Daughter 2m
    Mourning's Ends Part 1 4m
    Mourning's Ends Part 2 6m
    Murder Mystery 1m
    My Arm's Big Adventure 2m (3m if favour)
    Nature Spirit 1m
    Observatory Quest 1m
    Olaf's Quest 2m (higher if very low agil)
    One Small Favour 4m
    Plague City 1m
    Priest in Peril 1m
    The Queen of Thieves 1m
    Rag and Bones Man Part 1 2m
    Rag and Bones Man Part 2 5m
    Ratcatchers 3.5m need big cat
    Recipe For Disaster Cook Free
    Rfd Dwarf 750k
    Rfd goblin 750k
    Rfd Pirate pete 1.5m
    Rfd Lumb guide 750k
    Rfd Evil dave 1m (cat only)
    Rfd King awogei 3m (4m if no greegrees)
    Rfd Sir amik varze 3m
    Rfd skrach 1.5m
    Rfd culinaromancer 2m
    Recruitment Drive 1m
    Regicide 4m
    Roving Elves 2m
    Royal Trouble 2m
    Rum Deal 2m
    Scorpion Catcher 1m
    Sea Slug 1m
    Shades of Mort'ton 1m
    Shadow of the Storm 1.5m
    Sheep Herder 1m
    Shilo Village 3m
    The Slug Menance 3m
    Song of the elves 25m
    A Soul’s Bane 2m
    Spirits of the Elid 1m
    Swan Song 3m
    Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 2m
    A Tail of Two Cats 2m
    Tale of the Righteous 2m
    A Taste of hope 3m
    Tears of Guthix 500k
    Temple of Ikov 2m
    Throne of Miscellania 2m
    The Tourist Trap 2m
    Tower of Life 1m
    Tree Gnome Village 1.5m
    Tribal Totem 1m
    Troll Romance 2m
    Troll Stronghold 1m
    Underground Pass 4m higher if very low agil
    Wanted! 3m
    Watchtower 4m
    Waterfall Quest 1m
    What Lies Below 1m
    Witch's House 500k
    Zogre Flesh Eaters 2m

    Alfred Barcrawl - 2.5m
    Architectural Alliance - 36m (63+ Smithing/65+ Mining)
    Bear Your Soul - 1m
    Curse of The Empty Lord - 6m
    Enchanted Key - 1.5m
    Enter the Abyss - 1m
    Family pest - 0.75m
    General's shadow - 1m
    King's Ransom Minigame - 4m
    Search of Knowledge - 4m
    Skippy and the Mogres - 1m
    Tarns Lair - 2m

    Barrows gloves from scratch - 180m
    Mithril gloves from scratch - 25m

    1. All services are hand-done.
    2. I am not responsible for any ban or mutes on your account.
    3. I can refuse any order.
    4. You will pay for service before upfront, unless agreed otherwise.
    5. You have to change your password after service is completed.
    6. You must not login your account after I start the service, doing so may result in cancelling the service without a refund. If you would like to login, just message me please.
    7. Once the service starts there will be no refunds upon cancellation.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
< [$100 DONATOR]⚡[Efficient]⚡[HIRING]⚡[Few Workers]⚡Skilling-Questing-Minigames⚡HAND Trained [OSRS] | Barrow gloves from scratch needed >

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