I could sell anything related Runescape (especially OSRS)

Discussion in 'Buy RuneScape 3 EOC Gold (WTS threads)' started by Junior67, Nov 26, 2018.

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I could sell anything related Runescape (especially OSRS)
  1. Unread #1 - Nov 26, 2018 at 5:05 PM
  2. Junior67
    Oct 8, 2017
    Sythe Gold:

    Junior67 Member

    I could sell anything related Runescape (especially OSRS)

    Greeting everyone,
    I am offering gold for sale. Osrs, Rs3 in different amounts.
    There are also over 120 accounts available (mostly junk accounts in rs3), but there are also a lot of new rs3 accounts and a lot of osrs accounts. Feel free to pm me to view more.
    I am currently also assisting people on different runescape services, on the best price available.
    During the few years I have received over 2800 feedback, but lately I moved in Sythe.
    Feedback can be seen on my profile in fb:
    Geri Zotaj

    Can be found also on our discord:

    My Discord name is also:
    MrJunior67#8620 (feel free to add and also pm me there. i get a lot of messages a day, so remind me you found my post on sythe)

    PS: Don't dream you can come and scam me, over 50 retards got banned from here trying to scam me and impersonating Sythe moderators/middleman.

    Thank you for reading my post :)
    ^ Lopez likes this.
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