Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Buying account, Apr 25, 2018.

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Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading
  1. Unread #1 - Apr 25, 2018 at 3:41 AM
  2. Buying account

    Buying account Guest

    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    Your profile link: Buyacc

    Report/post/reason that got you banned: Buyacc

    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims:





    I think I paid back some more people but cant find it back. Might've paid them through cryptocurrency or another form of payment than PayPal. Will keep searching for any additional refunds I made in 2016. As the offences I committed are quite old I couldnt succesfully come in contact with all people for a refund, but am also unable to find any additional e-mail correspondence as of now (appart from the two images I've already shown).

    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: Nothing.

    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you: I charged back PayPal transactions 5+ years ago. Paid everyone back that I could contact 2+ years ago. You should forgive me as I already paid everyone back long ago, am already unbanned on the forums that I actually scammed on and refunded the payment and have already gained quite a bit of vouches / trust on itself since I have been here.

    Did you fully read and follow the sticky thread in the pardon section?: Yes

    Previous pardon link(s) if applicable: -
  3. Unread #2 - May 8, 2018 at 8:18 AM
  4. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
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    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    User: Buyacc - Ban evading
    User: Ent - Ban evading (Claims to be his brother and I can confirm he has one)
    User: Aardappel - Ban evading
    User: cruseder4 - Scamming

    Powerbot profiles:
    gypol - powerbot
    Restyler - powerbot

    This was resolved and paid back on Powerbot. (Restyler - 66$ repaid)

    Scam report #1: Scam Report VS [Team Vieze]
    Scam victim: Stormillidan - powerbot
    Scam debt: $66
    Repaid. [victim 2 on your post]

    Scam report #2:
    Scam victim: Whoa
    Scam debt: 15EUR
    Awaiting confirmation of refund. [victim 1 on your post]

    Scam report #3: Scammed by Cruseder4 - GamerSoul - Where Gaming Meets Hacking
    Scam victim: User Profile - GamerSoul - Where Gaming Meets Hacking
    Scam debt: 38.14$ + 95.80$ + 47.75$ + 18.92$ = 200.61$ (Agreed with a Gamersoul admin $210 is to be repaid)
    Awaiting getting in contact with scam victim.

    Banned on EpicBot:
    Yet to be confirmed why. Buyacc claims it's because of ban evasion.

    Current status: Awaiting your Gamersoul scam victim's response.
    Please let me know if you've got something to add in or left out, anything at all.
    ^ HNCdice and John like this.
    Last edited: May 8, 2018
  5. Unread #3 - May 8, 2018 at 5:31 PM
  6. Buyacc
    Mar 20, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
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    Buyacc Hello
    $100 USD Donor New Competition Winner

    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    I cant remember the 'Aardappel' one being me. Seeing as the account only logged in once a long time ago I dont think it should be weighted in with a pardon decision.

    If you require any additional proof that I paid the right amount, to the right guy 2 years ago, just say so.

    If you havent gotten the contact details yet. His e-mail is [email protected]. Feel free to not trust this though and ask a moderator of Gamersoul to verify this.

    This is the same as scam report #1 in your post. The report on Powerbot was made by an Epicbot moderator regarding my scam on Epicbot. So with me resolving it on Powerbot I automatically also resolved it on Epicbot, in 2016. Just never went ahead and asked to be unbanned on Epicbot.
    ^ God, Liam and ipker like this.
  7. Unread #4 - May 25, 2018 at 4:34 AM
  8. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
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    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    Ban reason: cruseder4 is a scammer!
    Email noted there: "[email protected]"
    Search for it:[email protected]&o=date
    Links to: Aardappel
    Same birthdays set as @Ent.

    So either:
    - Your story about your brother being "Ent" doesn't line up.
    - Your brother was behind all this (which would be weird as you know alot about the scams happened here)

    It's fine, I just dislike the initial trades going down on PayPal (which were disputed) and you refunding them without hesitation again through PayPal.
    That's another person the Gamersoul admin and me came up with. We came up with Skype profile "sarah.chen8989".
    ^ Gen likes this.
  9. Unread #5 - May 25, 2018 at 4:54 AM
  10. Buyacc
    Mar 20, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
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    Buyacc Hello
    $100 USD Donor New Competition Winner

    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    I only said that I cant remember Aardappel being me and noted that the account only logged in once 2 years ago so that its pretty irrelevant for the final decision as a whole.

    Google the period of time in which you can charge back PayPal payments. Pretty sure you cant chargeback payments that happened more than 2 years ago. Also, in the time between me paying back all the victims I could pay back and this dispute I done a lot of trades. You even middlemanned a €1500,- PayPal trade for me, where I bought Rocket League items for a total of €1500,- through PayPal. If I really was a bad guy and wanted to PayPal chargeback, I would have charged that €1500,- back.

    I got the e-mail I mentioned straight from the PayPal chargeback mails from 5+ years ago. The $210,- that I charged back, was charged back from that PayPal e-mail address.
    ^ Gen, FlyingToast, Pendulum and 1 other person like this.
  11. Unread #6 - Jun 5, 2018 at 10:00 AM
  12. Buying Account

    Buying Account Guest

    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    After doing a bit of research and people pointing me to certain threads I have found that the current jurisdiction on Won Gold his case is that his scams are out-dated and therefor he should not be punished. I then checked what the dates were at which Won Gold scammed and found that it was in 2013, exactly the same year as my scams happened. I would therefor like to apply to fall under the same jurisdiction as Won Gold. One can even argue that I should be given lighter treatment as I actually paid my victims back before becoming activing on Sythe, which Won Gold did not do and still is not willing to do.
  13. Unread #7 - Jun 5, 2018 at 1:02 PM
  14. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    In that case I truely hope you'll have fun being Do Not Trade forever. Either you follow through how we're going here, or we stop right here and you and your DNT rank will remain buddies forever. Won Gold's scam victims is something that you can take up in the Suggestions section or Feedback section.
    ^ veng likes this.
  15. Unread #8 - Jun 5, 2018 at 2:02 PM
  16. Buyacc
    Mar 20, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Verified Hardcore Spam Forum Participant Twitter Writing Competition Winner Community Participant Paper Trading Competition Participant Detective Facebook Promoter In Memory of Jon
    Le Kingdoms Player Secret Santa St. Patrick's Day 2024 Easter 2024 Christmas 2023 Christmas 2020 Tier 1 Prizebox March Madness May the 4th Be With You

    Buyacc Hello
    $100 USD Donor New Competition Winner

    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    If you're going to act like this I am not going to continue this pardon. Too bad you're behaving like an asshole all of the sudden, the $210 could have gone to the community repayment thread.
    ^ Rivenstarz likes this.
  17. Unread #9 - Jun 5, 2018 at 2:06 PM
  18. Panda
    Oct 4, 2014
    Sythe Gold:


    Buyacc requesting a pardon for ban evading

    Ok friend
    ^ Rivenstarz, Wortel and Nino like this.
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