Ipker10 dnt request

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Ipker10 dnt request, Aug 19, 2017.

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Ipker10 dnt request
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 19, 2017 at 1:08 PM
  2. Ipker10 dnt request

    Ipker10 dnt request Guest

    Ipker10 dnt request

    Contents must include:
    • Your profile link:ipker10
    • Your total debt: Not sure, dont know if i need to refund somone for the "Ipker10 needs to get banned thread"as i didnt really bot just threated to do it
    • List of offences you've committed and ban reason given to you: Ipker10 Needs to be banned!
    • Got scammed on my ironman!
    • If you scammed, have you made any follow-up attempts on contacting your victims or received any response(s): Yes talked with Pedro, we came up to a price added him on my new skype and paying him up
    • Anything you wish to add: Just looking for a dnt so i can check spam forums etc, and keep stalking @goldsellerALL @Heres @Kaascouse @Needagspure038 @triggermcclean and all of Goldsellerall's his ban avoid accounts ( where he scams on) , also so i can keep up my detective shit to make reports which i've done, not appealing a ban cuz its way 2 early for that considering i got caught ban avoiding yesterday by @Wortel on "maxthedream"
    • https://gyazo.com/a1a51aaa10f845fa14df90a4b2d45e2a?token=bbec17ae862e4698d9c5a4429b53d5e6
    • For any questions or stuff ill be on the skype [email protected] for now ;p
    Pedro just responded to my pm so gonna refund him
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 20, 2017 at 2:17 AM
  4. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
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    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

    Ipker10 dnt request

    It's impossible to request a pardon/DNT ignoring the reasons you are banned for. Stop ban evading and therefore stop digging a bigger hole you're already in. If you do so feel free to request a pardon. We can not grant you a DNT just to spy on people. We can only grant you a DNT if you repaid all your scam victims and stop ban evading - and by that I mean longer than 1 day. As of now it seems you have no remorse for your actions.
    ^ Eldamar, SlayAndPk, Milotic and 3 others like this.
  5. Unread #3 - Aug 21, 2017 at 4:15 AM
  6. Ipker10 dnt request proof

    Ipker10 dnt request proof Guest

    Ipker10 dnt request

    • If you scammed, have you made any follow-up attempts on contacting your victims or received any response(s): I've refunded pedro https://gyazo.com/81057b90903cd9e2b4cbb1a1e561f51d?token=b4ad17f0a7b6d5d6da54232595f7af0b
    • Anything you wish to add:
    • The reason im requesting a DNT and not pardoning is cuz i know i have been ban evading alot i dont expect being pardonned considering i know in you guys POV i look very dangerous for the community, me getting a dnt would mean u guys can see that im a nice guy who learned from his mistakes, i'll promise even if this gets denied i will never make a vade account even if i want to stop one of @goldsellerALL his evade accs WHERE he actually scams people on.
    "It's impossible to request a pardon/DNT ignoring the reasons you are banned for. Stop ban evading and therefore stop digging a bigger hole you're already in. If you do so feel free to request a pardon. We can not grant you a DNT just to spy on people. We can only grant you a DNT if you repaid all your scam victims and stop ban evading - and by that I mean longer than 1 day. As of now it seems you have no remorse for your actions." I really am not trying to ignore the reasons you are banned for, i was middle contacting Pedro and refunding him and yes about the vading u are 100% right, but i really remorse my actions and ill do WHATEVER you guys want to proof i can be in the community with a DNT to proof i will be a good person.

    Please if it gets denied leave your skype or add my skype " [email protected]"
    So i can ask u what i need to do before making a new appeal etc
  7. Unread #4 - Aug 23, 2017 at 3:00 AM
  8. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
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    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

  9. Unread #5 - Sep 20, 2017 at 6:25 AM
  10. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
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    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

  11. Unread #6 - Oct 8, 2017 at 11:24 AM
  12. Ipker wortel rep

    Ipker wortel rep Guest

    Ipker10 dnt request

    Ipker10 dnt request

    Hey Wortel, i saw that you requested help i'm unsure if you had a question for me or something, sorry if not but if so Im here, i tried contacting u on skype but it said 'Afk' for a long time.
  13. Unread #7 - Oct 12, 2017 at 1:28 PM
  14. IPker10 dnt

    IPker10 dnt Guest

    Ipker10 dnt request

    • Your profile link:ipker10
    • Your total debt:0 I've refunded Pedro ipker10 requesting a pardon for scamming
    • List of offences you've committed and ban reason given to you: Ipker10 Needs to be banned!
    • Got scammed on my ironman! Also have ban evaded, which i'm very sorry i've done, it wasnt in bad means though, was to fuck a other ban evader up which i've tried

    • If you scammed, have you made any follow-up attempts on contacting your victims or received I any response(s):I refunded them, and am very very sorry.
    • Anything you wish to add:I just want to get back in the community, i know i've done bad things and i know im not the best guy, but im trying to improve and hopefully trough a dnt i can proof myself slowly, and be able to pardon in 3 months again.
  15. Unread #8 - Oct 12, 2017 at 4:27 PM
  16. Wortel
    Jan 17, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Carrot Sythe's 15th Anniversary (2)
    Detective Two Factor Authentication User OG Club SytheSteamer WoW Classic Member of the Month Winner Photography Competition Winner I saw Matthew In Memory of Jon
    May the 4th Be With You Member of the Quarter Winner

    Wortel Strive not to be a success, rather be of value.
    Wortel Donor Ghost Face Retired Global Moderator

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