Discussion in 'Archives' started by Artur, Nov 21, 2016.

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  1. Unread #1 - Nov 21, 2016 at 10:23 PM
  2. Artur
    Jul 21, 2009
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    Nitro Booster (2) Dragon Claws Poképedia

    Artur Guru
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    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    Hey guys, so we currently need a few more members to help find any bugs on the server that we can patch. If you are interested send me a PM and I'll send you the client.
    ^ Mootrucks and Soul like this.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  3. Unread #2 - Nov 21, 2016 at 10:28 PM
  4. Soul
    Mar 11, 2013
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    posting here although i've already informed you. this space is not able to be walked in

    Oysters are unopenable,

    There are no soldiers at Al-Karhid

    whenever buying 'x' items from shop the items are not noted, meaning you can only buy a max of 28 at a time.

    dragons drop unnoted bars in large quantitys, would be good QOL change for them to be noted

    whenever i attack a dragon from a distance with run on, my charecter seems to slide backwards initially before stopping

    idk if this is a bug or intended but when receiving barrows loot the gear is already fully degraded

    only killed it twice, but chaos elemental droped 4x bones twice so drop table may need to be looked at

    Gyazo - a8fd589ca4bf2fe549cf15fa96713b85.png
    sea troll queen joins me onto land when i run away while its attacking me

    this door on the 2nd floor of slayer dower is not working
    Gyazo - e9ab44cc32ff6e3d09e37f2e987f85c5.png

    also lol
    Gyazo - 9bb909c073d7ff3e4d56fbc8d1508abb.gif
    ^ Azie, Mootrucks and Ex like this.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
  5. Unread #3 - Nov 21, 2016 at 10:36 PM
  6. jackthehackm8
    Dec 17, 2014
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    jackthehackm8 Grand Master
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    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    jackthehackm8 compiled bug list for sythescape v0.01

    jackthehackm8 compiled bug list for sythescape v0.01

    1.shouldn't thieving teleport bring you to stalls at home? rather than rogues den?
    2.invisible block at 2nd thieving stall at home
    3. able to trade npc's through walls
    4. no clipping through varrock pub walls next to thieving
    5. south of home gives pink squares, bugged map data?
    6. cannot use spinning wheel when you're not next to it
    7. cant buy the herbs, but u can but the pirate hook, from Izzy No-Beard, but you can buy the exp @ 205xp per ticket
    8.cant walk across barbarian agility course log balance if you stand on either side of it, also same applies to the crumbling walls near the end of the course(all)
    9. seers rooftop agility gives purple roofs on minimap
    10. the thieving stalls are purple during ardy rooftop agility
    11. thieving stalls (bakers, silk, gem, silver stalls, etc) don't work.
    12. cannot click/swing from on wildy agility course rope swing unless you're right next to it (same thing as the balance logs from other agility courses)
    13. same as other logs, last log balance in wildy agility course doesn't allow you to go on from both sides
    14. mage bank missing webs to be slashed?
    15. working now
    16. can't unpack partyhat set or halloween mask set
    17. book o'piracy does nothing i think
    18. gambler is broken, cannot bet anything on 55x2
    19. player is missing in equipment bonuses screen
    20. cannot check abyssal tentacle charges
    21. dissolve option = drop option on abyssal tentacle
    22. dragon halberd is missing special attack
    23. cannot buy things if money is in money pouch
    24. making a new clan name while a person is in your clan chat like refreshes that interface and only puts you in it
    25. no banning or kicking works in clan chat
    26. lootshare
    27. cc overall is bugged as fuck
    28. ur cc gets removed once u logged out and gotta remake it
    29. interesting trade bug. if you trade someone while having the option to trade another player up too, you can have the trade window open for the other player while having it closed for yours (could make a video if you're interested, not a huge bug though)
    30. skillcape trading?
    31. wearing skillcapes without 99 in that skill
    32. dragon full helm without 60 defence
    33. lunar teleport is missing teleports to teleport to other places (ancients teleport is good though)
    34. can't pickpocket men or guards, perhaps every npc?
    35. make home teleport teleport into the pub, not outside
    36. can't bank by clicking "bank" on bankers UNLESS you're right next to them
    37. can light fires on the yellow carpet at home, but not the brown wooden part
    38. Sythescape guard (set security details) doesn't seem to be working properly
    39. max 10,000 credits?
    40. can teleport to member island without benig a member (100% tested to be true)
    41. doors on membership island are fucked and you can't enter the shop in the north house because of it
    42. blowpipe requires less than 70 range
    43. benefits of membership needs further text from the membership dude
    44. magical animator thing is glitching on me at warriors guild, could be a further glitch or bug
    45. blowpipe has no special attack
    46. cyclops dropping 2x big bones
    47. 25 tokens away from warriors guild seem like a lot?
    48. colors from big mo ask for 5 million when only 10k is max credits?
    49. there is dungeoneering, construction, and hunter apparently ::set level shows this
    50. edgeville lever is broken
    51. can't scarifice firecape for jad pet :c
    52. attack styles doesnt matter at dagganoth caves
    53. not sure if intended, but you can safespot barrelchest with range
    54. tav dungeon agility pipe requires 33 agil and other one requires 52
    55. phoenix necklace, once used and destorys, the model stays on your character until logout
    56. d long wrong holding model
    57. forgot to say, but d hally won't attack if you're 2 squares away
    58. rune throwing axe missing their special attack
    59. max hits don't change in equipment bonuses screen if you equip something new unless you go out of screen and re open
    60. trident doesnt show a magic max hit on equipment bonuses, only a melee
    61. lava dragons looks fucked
    62. perhaps add location to where your slayer monster is located
    63. unloading blow pipe doesn't give scales back,but it does give you your darts
    64. relaxation zone teleport doesnt work
    65. clicking a npc that gives dialogue and then clicking an item on the ground doesn't close the dialogue interface
    66. barrow brothers deealing no damage lmfao
    67. blowpipe longrange isn't training defence
    68. why the hell is the barrows chest giving random items (like big bones lol)
    69. sometimes when u open the teleport interface it wont teleport you (i dont know what replicates this bug but i decided to keep it in this)
    70. picklock is useless since u can't picklock the house west of the mage bank
    71. mage arena npcs you can safespot (based on how the aggro is working)
    72. climbing the slayer tower 2nd floor stairs just by being next to it
    73. bones to peaches tablet gives magic exp
    74. bones to peaches tab ONLY works for regular bones, not big bones too
    75. scorpia safespotting is possible from all the small spiders
    76. wilderness obelisk work very weirdly (Weird animations)
    77. player model is invisible for 2/3 seconds after teleporting with the wilderness obelisk
    78. should teleporting out of the combat zone in clan wars heal you?
    79. you can enter the upstairs part of the ancient tavern but there are no mithril dragons there (add them here)
    80. sometimes clicking will bring up the text in the chat box "You do not have an axe.", no idea how to replicate it though
    81. neitzinot front doors open weirdly
    82. same as #80, my bank opens sometimes too, dunno how to replicate it.
    83. cant break ring of recoil
    84. travel option on sailor just brings up some dumb dialogue...
    85. changing ur motto in the shop exchange doesnt actually take credit
    86. exiting corp cave should take u to wilderness
    87. u cant friggin put any potion(4) into an empty vial for luls
    88. all fishing spots have names except "Cage Fishing Spot" at fishing teleport (lobsters)
    89. u can drop fish while ur still fishing
    90. stove at edgeville dont work
    91. stove at catherby doesnt even work
    92. cooking on a fire doesnt even work
    93. cooking is completely broken afaik
    94. while using a blowpipe, since ur attacking so fast, if u attack again and hit a 0, you will still gain exp (if you kill the monster and hit the 0)
    95. neitznot bank chests not working
    96. should genie be able to reset any skill besides combat related ones?
    97. no city teleports lol
    98. ur ammo from zulrah lands in the green water thing, not on the land
    99. i actually have no idea if zulrah throws posions in the area around u
    100. i dont think zulrah moves either (though i only did 2 runs, it stayed in the middle the whole time)
    101. should zulrah scales be said in the chat when u get a drop from zulrah? i think its like that in 07scape too
    102. similar to zulrah, ranging at kraken makes the darts appear in the water

    ------above has been fixed--------
    103. should clicking the shop description open up the interface of your player owned shop? currently only opens up if you click the store owner name
    104. set up a shop description on one account, logged onto another account and the shop description appears as "No shop description set."
    105. woodcutting doesnt work at all
    106. axes aren't given any combat options, it gives the vanilla options of punch, kick, and block (just equip an axe and enter the combat tab and you'll see what I mean), also it has the wrong attacking animation
    107. you can fletch logs while chatting/dialogue with an npc or opening up a shop without wasting any time (fletch some logs into unstrung bows while say browsing the general store, it'll fletch your bows in the background)
    108. no idea but is lamps from donator store supposed to only give 3k exp
    109. no idea but u can't sell items worth more than 5m in the general store
    110. high alching gives "rune dust", not money haha which is also stackable - ignore
    111. low alch gives money, but its quite low
    112. chaos rune packs are 304k ea, dunno if its supposed to be that high (compared to the rest of the rune packs)
    113. no way to see what number you got from 55x2 from gambler guy
    114. after gambling a 55x2, it opens up the interface to type a name for no reason
    115. flower growing spam after hot/cold
    116. you can mine and then run away and it'll appear in your inventory
    117. more than 1 ore appears in inventory during mining, this is actually a good thing
    118. should ores drop onto the ground instead of disappearing because of the above bug
    119. wilderness resource guy notes supplies gained in the area 1 at a time, doesn't note the whole inventory all at once, don't know if this feature is supposed to be like this in real 07 though
    120. wilderness resource door to go outside of is fucked, all i gotta say is u gotta try it out urself
    121. blood runes and death runes cost 2147m mage arena points in the mage arena store
    122. randomly stops mining rune essence, isn't it supposed to mine the whole way until you have a full inventory
    123. right clicking "decant" on the decanter doesnt work
    124. the decanter overall doesnt work
    125. tab to reply to pm isn't a feature, should be added perhaps?
    126. clicking the username after a trade request has been sent doesn't open up the trade window
    127. crystal key chest should give a guaranteed dragonstone maybe? currently right now it doesn't.
    128. u fish like 5 dark crab with 1 dark crab bait, pretty awesome
    129. wielding a rune longsword makes u go invisible and its pretty cool
    130. opening up ur items u wear interface crashes client while wearing the rune longsword

    taken from my notepad
    ^ Realist, Mootrucks, Top Elite and 3 others like this.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
  7. Unread #4 - Nov 22, 2016 at 9:03 PM
  8. Kyle
    Jun 28, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
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    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    Issues found so far.
    1. You do not have enough coins to do this! [::teleport with 0 gp, doesn't appear if you have coins]
    2. No Al Kharid guards
    3. Doors at Yak open together
    4. Bank chests at yaks don't work
    5. Teleporting after obsticles; agility
    6. Agility teleport says 5K, free to cast
    7. Lava dragon character model
    8. Coin pouch unusable in wilderness
    9. No graveyard Green Dragons.
    10. Spinning wheel in flax field can be accessed anywhere around it.
    11. Texts on dragon leathers in tanner.
    12. Can talk to crafting people through wall.
    13. When talking to crafting people you run a few steps. [Other side of fence]
    14. Same Issues as 12/13 on pottery oven.
    15. Same Issues as 12/13 with bank stall at crafting.
    16. When multiple items in inventory are same banking doesn't withdraw top item.
    17. texture of pit at barb agility.
    18. Agility logs must be straight on in order to walk across.
    19. All courses give same amount of tickets [Not really bug but should be changed]
    20. crumbling wall path directs you to side and you must be straight on to climb over.
    21. Ladder in edgeville general store doesn't work.
    22. Oziach dialog repeats and doesn't end if you don't have enough coins.
    23. delay before items appear in inventory after buying items from oziach
    24. Can't pickpocket men [Atleast in edgeville north of bank]
    25. Can't talk to men and get dialog you get from pickpocketing.
    26. Ladder doesn't work in egdeville north of bank.
    27. If you buy from shops too fast you get "please wait before doing this again!"
    28. If you re-arrange items in your inventory in bank interface and then exit it puts them back.[Solved by re-entering bank?]
    29. Can't prospect rocks
    30. Doesn't give you error message for trying to use pick to high level.
    31. Can teleport to membership zone without membership.
    32. Altar at membership zone doesn't work.
    33. wyverns have a weird looking box around them.
    34. Chat for 55x2 broken.
    35. Long range doesn't give defence xp.
    36. When you unequip and re-equip bows it automatically goes to accurate
    37. Gain defence xp with bow by: Unequipping, Choosing defence, Re-equipping
    38. There is a kill feed...? Really...?
    39. Black d hide set [You need 3 spaces avaiable] even though you have 3 + set spot.
    40. Can't teleport home at 20 wilderness
    41. fight caves have water in them.
    42. tz-kih have long range attack.
    43. Logging out during fight caves kicks you out.
    44. unlootable logs. Spam tinderbox on last log in inventory. [Also stalls character model]
    45. Willow trees completely disappear when chopped down.
    46. If timed correctly can burn logs with 0 time wasted/walking.
    47. can bank through edgeville bank wall.
    48. Member island Yew trees just dissappear when chopped down.
    49. Gyazo - 0093ad85f0ac37fa8330f12ba13db0ac.gif
    ^ Mootrucks and Soul like this.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2016
  9. Unread #5 - Nov 24, 2016 at 9:50 PM
  10. jackthehackm8
    Dec 17, 2014
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    jackthehackm8 Grand Master
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    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    updated since I had some time on my hands
  11. Unread #6 - Dec 2, 2016 at 1:37 PM
  12. jackthehackm8
    Dec 17, 2014
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    jackthehackm8 Grand Master
    $5 USD Donor New

    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    update since i found some
  13. Unread #7 - Dec 4, 2016 at 12:57 AM
  14. Syfiends
    Oct 24, 2011
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    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    Thank you, ill be working on them
    ^ WeRnIE, jackthehackm8 and Soul like this.
  15. Unread #8 - Dec 4, 2016 at 2:07 AM
  16. jackthehackm8
    Dec 17, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
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    jackthehackm8 Grand Master
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    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    cool, who are all the developers btw?
  17. Unread #9 - Dec 4, 2016 at 2:10 AM
  18. Syfiends
    Oct 24, 2011
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    I think only Artur and me for the moment.
    ^ Kaska likes this.
  19. Unread #10 - Dec 4, 2016 at 3:59 PM
  20. C Mcgregor
    Dec 4, 2016
    Sythe Gold:

    C Mcgregor Newcomer

    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    May I help with finding bugs? I have pretty decent experience.
  21. Unread #11 - Dec 11, 2016 at 4:04 AM
  22. Scotty
    Jul 22, 2008
    Sythe Gold:
    Gracious Le Kingdoms Player Sythe's 10th Anniversary Signature of the Month Winner In Memory of Jon

    Scotty Guru
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    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    getting interface up using cheat engine has been fixed, although you can get interface up if you click on the skill lamp it is a dead screen and does not allow you to gain xp even if you have a skill lamp in inventory
    overloads do not work, and thus do not reduce hp.. meaning that they cannot be used to dupe via stake, may want overloads to work and that means fixing the stake code, as i assume they got around the dupe via cutting off overloads
  23. Unread #12 - Dec 12, 2016 at 1:08 AM
  24. Syfiends
    Oct 24, 2011
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    I dont think we will make overloads available. They bring many issues like the ones you stated above and i personally think they're OP.
    ^ WeRnIE likes this.
  25. Unread #13 - Dec 12, 2016 at 11:39 AM
  26. Artur
    Jul 21, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
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    Artur Guru
    $200 USD Donor New

    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    Still need more testers!!
  27. Unread #14 - Dec 12, 2016 at 11:41 AM
  28. Soul
    Mar 11, 2013
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    Have you guys released a new version or would the one I used before (v4) still work?
  29. Unread #15 - Dec 12, 2016 at 11:41 AM
  30. Syfiends
    Oct 24, 2011
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    Old one works
  31. Unread #16 - Dec 12, 2016 at 11:43 AM
  32. Soul
    Mar 11, 2013
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    Then I'll try to find some time this week to test out some more stuff. :>
  33. Unread #17 - Dec 12, 2016 at 3:55 PM
  34. Artur
    Jul 21, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
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    Discord Username:
    Nitro Booster (2) Dragon Claws Poképedia

    Artur Guru
    $200 USD Donor New

    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    Still need testers, PM me
  35. Unread #18 - Dec 12, 2016 at 4:41 PM
  36. WeRnIE
    Jul 21, 2008
    Sythe Gold:
    Two Factor Authentication User Sythe's 10th Anniversary Pool Shark

    WeRnIE Grand Master

    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    My version is 2.4, is this the one or not?
  37. Unread #19 - Dec 12, 2016 at 5:41 PM
  38. TheDeadly
    Jul 8, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    TheDeadly Forum Addict

    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    If you need any more testers I would be more than willing to help! Just PM if so.
  39. Unread #20 - Dec 12, 2016 at 7:41 PM
  40. Shwag
    Jan 20, 2014
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    SytheRSPS Bug Testers (CURRENTLY FULL)

    PM'd you, I'd love to help out! :D
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