As @Wolf stated, there is a chance of ban but if it's your first offense, it will be temporary. As soon as you complete the trade, as mentioned...
You're subservient to these nuts
whats an israel
think they got flagged by the system and banned for compromised account
maybe $20-$25
i see you lurking
nigger test
says the retard
stfu ill release kim jong un on u
ex didnt scam anyone. he just defaulted on a couple loans
can you finish the rest of my homework?
Group C: Won 2-0 vs @Sand Flea Won 2-1 vs @tendyies Lost 1-2 vs @ramgill
only if you're a nigger
this is why we cant have good things. i will SA whoever made this. a cube is defined with 12 edges, 6 faces with each edge meeting another edge....
seems like a nice guy. would be nicer if he gave me a loan of 1 billion dollars but still a stand up guy.
run to the end to complete the quest