Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

Discussion in 'Market Discussion' started by video, Aug 2, 2015.

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Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 2, 2015 at 2:05 AM
  2. video
    Dec 22, 2007
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    In Memory of Jon Phanpy Donphan Rakashrug Gooby Detective Sythe's 10th Anniversary Valentine's Day 2015 Halloween 2015
    Christmas 2015 Easter 2016 (2) Paper Trading Competition Participant <3 n4n0 Verified Bronze Pokémon Trainer Nitro Booster (2) Verified Ironman Poképedia (2)
    Former OMM Extreme Homosex

    video Add video#0001 to sell gold or bitcoin many methods
    Sythe Veteran Knight video Donor Retired Administrator

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Hello again sythe,

    I'm back with another donation campaign. This campaign is inspired by Jon whom many of you already know. In addition to being extremely trustworthy, Jon is one of the nicest and most genuine users I have had the pleasure to meet on this forum.

    In 2012, Jon was diagnosed with leukemia and contracted a life-threatening fungal infection while undergoing treatment. His doctors estimated his chance of survival at 1%. Jon beat the infection in large part due to a charitable organization called Chai Lifeline Chai Lifeline : Fighting Illness With Love but unfortunately he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Jon is very optimistic about this current challenge and I encourage you to read his story in his own words below:

    I was first diagnosed with leukemia in 2012. While I was in treatment, I caught a rare fungal infection that almost killed me. I was in the hospital for eight months, in a coma for two of those. When I woke up, I couldn&#8217;t move, talk, eat or drink for five months. The doctors estimated my chance of survival at 1%. But they didn&#8217;t know that I had a secret, miraculous weapon that could dramatically change those odds. I had Chai Lifeline. My family heard about Chai Lifeline from a friend. We called, and all of a sudden, I wasn&#8217;t alone anymore. There isn&#8217;t a Chai Lifeline office in Buffalo, where I live, but that didn&#8217;t matter. I was connected to wonderful new friends like the counselors who are here this weekend. They called. They visited. They invited me to wonderful places. They never stopped. They never thought, &#8220;Buffalo&#8217;s too far&#8221; or &#8220;If I have to listen to one more cancer story.&#8221; They were just here for me. And they still are&#8230; my second family. Last summer, Chai Lifeline invited me to its amazing camp, Camp Simcha. I know. I look kind of old to still be going to camp, but this is a magical place. Camp Simcha is two weeks of non-stop dancing, fun, laughing, surprises and out-of-the-box thinking. It&#8217;s not just that you feel like a kid again. You feel like you&#8217;re not sick. And you make the most incredible friends. I talk to my camp friends every single day. I am not exaggerating. Every day. When you get cancer or another very serious illness, sometimes it feels like the world has given up on you. My friends from before I got sick seem to have moved on with their lives. My Chai Lifeline friends aren&#8217;t going anywhere. They make me feel like I belong. They gave me the hope I needed to beat cancer once. Unfortunately, I was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. But my Chai Lifeline friends are still here. They will help me make it through again.

    I am assisting Jon in his very noble efforts to raise money for Chai Lifeline. Not only is he raising money for a great cause, he is also pledging to run a half marathon in support of Chai Lifeline. Please visit Jon's page here: to read more and to make direct donations. Jon's goal is $3,675, and I know we can all help out a lot if not outright reach that goal ourselves.

    I'd like to give a special shoutout to Bogla from who is offering a generous rate for any rsgp donated to this cause. Thank you Bogla!

    I'd like to also give a special shoutout to Bogdan123 who is offering fee-free donations to through his bond service to anyone who donates to this cause. This is a fantastic and very generous arrangement by Bogdan and will only take place while fundraising is ongoing.

    Now for the perks:

    $10 donation level

    Your name will be forever immortalized in my highly-desired sythe signature. This is subject to removal if you are ever permanently banned in the future. AND
    A 1-month free Windows VPS rental courtesy of Grave and

    $25 donation level

    1 Free OMMing from me AND
    An additional 2 months of Windows VPS from AND
    20% off any runescape service provided by courtesy of GodGenesis AND
    10% off a premium signature from thersg0d: [MOD][PP/RSGP/BTC] Artist of the Year ~The Future of Graphics~ ORDER NOW!

    $50 donation level

    All above perks plus

    An ADDITIONAL free middlemanned trade AND
    30-day advertisement in my signature AND
    You will ALSO receive a 1 month free subscription to a 2gb centos VPS courtesy of Jon and his website AND
    An additional 3 months of Windows VPS rental (6 months total) from AND
    25% off a premium signature from thersg0d [MOD][PP/RSGP/BTC] Artist of the Year ~The Future of Graphics~ ORDER NOW!

    $100 donation level

    All above perks plus

    2 ADDITIONAL free middlemanned trades AND
    an ADDITIONAL 30-day advertisement in my signature AND
    Your 2gb VPS gets an upgrade to 6gb AND
    Your 3-month Windows VPS rental becomes a 1-year rental AND
    ilovegold69 will make you a super dank video free of charge, see sample videos here: Ilovegold69s sythe vid channel

    $200 donation level

    All above perks plus

    Your 6gb VPS gets an upgrade to 10gb AND
    Your Windows VPS rental gets an upgrade to a WinPRO X3+
    You can also have a minirank of your choice of the ones I have available.

    $500 donation level

    All above perks plus

    We'll work something out. Advertising, sponsoring, business referrals, advice/assistance, whatever you think I can help you with AND
    Your 10gb VPS becomes a 16gb dedicated server AND
    Lifetime WinPRO X3+ Rental "Until my company crashes and burns" -Grave
    I will accept donations through paypal, rsgp, or bitcoin. You are also welcome to donate directly to Jon's page yourself using this link: If you choose to donate directly to the cause, please message me with proof so I can provide you the appropriate perks.

    I myself will donate an additional 10% of the total amount donated by sythe users. Please donate a lot and make me broke. ALSO PLEASE PM ME OR JON BEFORE DONATING, I will give you my personal skype and give you instructions depending on donation method. If you have any questions please shoot me or Jon a pm, thank you!

    Special thanks to the following companies and users:

    Bogla Gold:
    Logical Node:
    Ultimate Pro Services:
    Bogdan123: Bogdan
    ilovegold69: ilovegold69
    thersg0d: [MOD][PP/RSGP/BTC] Artist of the Year ~The Future of Graphics~ ORDER NOW!

    Donating users:
    Semp: $560

    BeefnBeer: $200
    Vladbots: $200
    Xeroshadow48: $200
    Whoneedsachaser: $140
    Anarchistturkey: $100
    Factory New: $100
    Julia/ $100
    Punjabi: $100
    R2Pleasent: $100
    Redgiant61: $100
    Bert: $60
    Central Swap FC: $60
    Travis: $53
    Axelus: $50
    Dunworry2: $50
    Godgenesis: $50
    KingNaruto: $50
    Str8 d a n k: $50
    Yousuckv2: $32
    Daddyraza: $28
    Euterpe: $28
    Chicken Noodle: $25
    Eliite: $25
    JSand: $25
    Oliali: $25
    Pedropx: $25
    Pie Overlord: $25
    Seth from skype: $25
    Spear dice: $25
    Tehsystem: $25
    Nick: $20
    Sighz: $15
    R5V: $10
    Ghast: $10
    Really Swell: $10
    Gyzo: $10
    Zogre: $10
    Rskingp: $10
    Trustmybet: $10
    Bus369: $10
    KingL1993: $10
    Sept: $10
    Joshuaag1234: $10
    Apith: $10
    Bleuskittle: $10
    Kronixdivisionboosting: $10
    Bogdan123: $10
    Mootrucks: $10
    Life2dmax: $10
    WolfRunescape: $10
    Linked: $10
    Krafty: $10
    Leptin: $10
    Kmjt: $10
    Longieboy: $10
    Deadnoobwalk: $10
    wafer man: $10
    fivebots: $10
    Ayy: $10
    Asapgang: $10
    The_dealer: $10
    saranovic: $10
    santermans: $10
    Gracious: $10
    PureAddiction: $10
    Duhfault: $10
    Brendan: $10

    Total Money Raised as of 7/3/16: $3,685/$3,675
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 2, 2015 at 2:31 AM
  4. Jon
    Jun 11, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    420 yolo swag blaze it fuck the popo legalize it anyone got some chips Two Factor Authentication User Easter 2016 Valentine's Day 2016 Community Development Team Member Tier 1 Prizebox Halloween 2015 Christmas 2015

    Jon Jon passed away July 20, 2016. May he rest in peace.
    $200 USD Donor New Cancer Warrior Heavenly

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    This is honestly a great cause guys! You won't regret your contribution.
    ^ Boney likes this.
  5. Unread #3 - Aug 2, 2015 at 2:56 AM
  6. Fashionistas
    Jun 18, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    Fashionistas Apprentice
    $100 USD Donor New

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    sportjon22 i'll donate 10 dollers next pay day
    i would do more but only make 10.40 per hour

    really do hope you get threw it just remember you battled first one like a boss just keep strong you seem like really nice person.

    i'll say it like this.

    some people make the world more special by just being in it
  7. Unread #4 - Aug 2, 2015 at 3:10 AM
  8. R5V
    Feb 21, 2013
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User Supporting Business In Memory of Jon Easter 2016 SytheSteamer

    R5V It's nothing personal, it's just good business.
    $300 USD Donor New

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Just donated, and I encourage everyone else to do so, its for a great cause.
  9. Unread #5 - Aug 2, 2015 at 3:25 AM
  10. Alch
    May 25, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User In Memory of Jon Tier 1 Prizebox Member of the Month Winner

    Alch Previously known as Bogla
    Bogla_Man_Toilet Donor

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Great cause, looking forward to seeing what we can do as a community for those in need :).
  11. Unread #6 - Aug 2, 2015 at 3:33 AM
  12. Fire
    Feb 6, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Bojack Mr. Peanutbutter In Memory of Jon <3 n4n0 Halloween 2014 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2019 St. Patrick's Day 2023 Baby Yoda Nitro Booster
    Gohan has AIDS

    Fire Grand Master
    Fire Donor

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    What a fantastic cause! I've spoken with Jon on several occasions, and he really is one of the kindest, most genuine people I've had the pleasure of meeting. His journey is truly inspiring, and the help Chai Lifeline has offered him should be available to all who need it. Glad I was able to support this, and I look forward to watching that total donation amount grow.
  13. Unread #7 - Aug 2, 2015 at 3:40 AM
  14. Wonderland
    Oct 28, 2012
    Sythe Gold:

    Wonderland spokesman

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    A very uplifting story. I urge those who can spare some change to chuck some money in, it's definitely for a good cause. I've had a change of heart since the last campaign.
  15. Unread #8 - Aug 2, 2015 at 4:12 AM
  16. Bert
    Jun 11, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    CARRRRL that kills people Baby Yoda The Dark Side (2) Stormtrooper Radioactive Wubba Lubba Dub Dub The Mortyest Morty Diamond
    Quagsire Wooper Snover Piplup Yanma Venomoth Drifblim Snubbull Member of the Quarter Winner Member of the Month Winner
    In Memory of Jon Stay a while and listen born 2late 2 explore the earth b0rn 2soon 2 explore the galaxy born just in time 2 browse sith d0t org Some like it hot Pizza Muncher Gooby Feels Bad Man Bojack I saw Matthew Lion King

    Bert - Slots & Original Games

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Great cause guys, would encourage people to donate, even if it's something small! Everything helps. I have known Jon for almost two years now and he is honestly a great person and has taught me a lot. so... donate donate donate
  17. Unread #9 - Aug 2, 2015 at 9:01 AM
  18. Sept
    Mar 27, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    Sept Guru

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Can I donate via BTC pls?
  19. Unread #10 - Aug 2, 2015 at 9:31 AM
  20. Punjabi3
    Jun 14, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Sythe's 10th Anniversary Two Factor Authentication User Halloween 2014 Detective Christmas 2014 Paper Trading Competition Participant In Memory of Jon

    Punjabi3 ☬Grand Master☬
    Retired Sectional Moderator Cracker Head

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    I've added this to the charities I donate to on a regular basis, donated some money for now and will continue to donate monthly. The story is an amazing read and I hope everything works out for you Jon.
  21. Unread #11 - Aug 2, 2015 at 3:04 PM
  22. Jon
    Jun 11, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    420 yolo swag blaze it fuck the popo legalize it anyone got some chips Two Factor Authentication User Easter 2016 Valentine's Day 2016 Community Development Team Member Tier 1 Prizebox Halloween 2015 Christmas 2015

    Jon Jon passed away July 20, 2016. May he rest in peace.
    $200 USD Donor New Cancer Warrior Heavenly

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Yes you can donate that. PM Video and he will help you contact him via skype.

    Thanks Punjabi3, it really means a lot!
  23. Unread #12 - Aug 2, 2015 at 3:17 PM
  24. Mootrucks
    May 16, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    mootrucks mobile#8797
    In Memory of Jon Homosex (4) Embar League of Legends Tournament Winner <3 n4n0 (5) Extreme Homosex (7)
    Poképedia St. Patrick's Day 2013 St. Patrick's Day 2014 St. Patrick's Day 2017 St. Patrick's Day 2018 Gohan has AIDS (7) I saw Matthew Former OMM

    Mootrucks Hero
    Mootrucks Donor Retired Sectional Moderator Legendary

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Wish I had money to donate, but I have nothing but a message to Jon, I hope you overcome your brain tumor and make a successful recovery.
  25. Unread #13 - Aug 2, 2015 at 3:29 PM
  26. Carbon
    Oct 31, 2013
    Sythe Gold:

    Carbon Grand Master

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Donated $10, I wouldn't turn this down for anything knowing how nice of a person Jon is. Glad I can help :love:
  27. Unread #14 - Aug 2, 2015 at 3:35 PM
  28. Zogre
    Apr 18, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    Zogre Legendary
    Do Not Trade

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Donated $10 to them. I wish you the best of luck Jon as from what Im hearing about you, you seem like a really nice person!
  29. Unread #15 - Aug 2, 2015 at 4:13 PM
  30. Josh
    Jul 23, 2014
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Member of the Quarter Winner In Memory of Jon

    Josh Formerly known as JoshuaG
    joshuaag1234 Donor

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Donated $10 as well. In the short time that I met Jon i've noticed how kind, caring and cool he is. I know times are tough now, but everything will eventually get better. Trust me. I hope the best for you and your family and if you ever need anything or someone to talk to hit me up on my skype (cod60name).
  31. Unread #16 - Aug 2, 2015 at 4:36 PM
  32. Rskingp
    Jan 16, 2012
    Sythe Gold:
    Two Factor Authentication User Pokémon Trainer Heidy (2) Not sure if srs or just newfag... UWotM8? Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? MushyMuncher <3 n4n0 (2) Homosex Christmas 2013
    St. Patrick's Day 2013 Sythe RSPS Player Tier 1 Prizebox

    Rskingp Selling 07 / RS3 / Deadman / Firecape
    Rskingp Donor

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    I would like donate 10 ? how to do ?
  33. Unread #17 - Aug 2, 2015 at 5:53 PM
  34. Jon
    Jun 11, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
    420 yolo swag blaze it fuck the popo legalize it anyone got some chips Two Factor Authentication User Easter 2016 Valentine's Day 2016 Community Development Team Member Tier 1 Prizebox Halloween 2015 Christmas 2015

    Jon Jon passed away July 20, 2016. May he rest in peace.
    $200 USD Donor New Cancer Warrior Heavenly

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    I was so overwhelmed with the support that everyone has given to this that I decided to up the stakes a bit. I need to raise a minimum of $3675 in order to participate in the Half-Miami Marathon!

    This page: is now open to credit card donations. Anyone that has paid paypal will have their paypal donations into this!

    Let me put this into perspective for you guys. I'm not a very good runner, let alone walker. I only started walking again in January, after a surgery freed up my ankles. Before that, they never thought I would be out of the wheelchair again. So a half-marathon is a LOT for me. Given I will walk with a wheelchair because it will probably become overwhelming. But I am committed to training to make this goal. Please everyone, help me make this goal and raise money to help all those sick children!
  35. Unread #18 - Aug 2, 2015 at 6:15 PM
  36. Trustmybet
    Oct 20, 2013
    Sythe Gold:

    Trustmybet Stay True - Stay Golden

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    I'd like to donate $10. Need video to add me on skype. live:teamtrustaio
  37. Unread #19 - Aug 2, 2015 at 7:41 PM
  38. Sept
    Mar 27, 2015
    Sythe Gold:

    Sept Guru

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    I really encourage everyone to donate, even if it's not a lot. Jon is the most selfless guy I know. He has spent hours online helping me with multiple different stupid questions I've had and expects nothing in return. Jon is a survivor and you should support his cause.
  39. Unread #20 - Aug 2, 2015 at 7:42 PM
  40. Liam
    Jun 8, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    GFX Forum Participant Tier 1 Prizebox (2) Supporting Business

    Liam Make real $ selling Rsgp & virtual goods
    KingL1993 Donor

    Donate to Support a Great Cause, Jon's Half Marathon Run to Support Chai Lifeline!

    Please add me on skype as I donate 5% of all my earnings to charity anyway. I will start off with $10 here, but over time I'm sure I can find areas in my very strict money management system to donate more.

    My only skype is: liamsgoldmart
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