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  1. LemonRS
    LemonRS Arevski
    You cant be a middleman for the accounts that people have reported you for not having the consent to use the pictures. So theres that. Zulu even pointed out that there are numerous accounts that have been reported of you not having access to them and that you have no consent of using these pictures. So what exactly are you middlemanning then, eh?
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    2. LemonRS
      Just post that the original seller of the account has given you the permission to do so. How hard is that? Do you even know the concept of drop shipping? It means you are given an order and payment, you then to and order the item from a seller that sells it for way lower and get it shipped to the buyer. You thought you found a loophole but you didnt. You cannot sell accounts you have no access to.
      Mar 5, 2025
    3. Arevski
      I have access to the account when I buy it from the seller to sell it to the person who comes to me, I cant find any rule on sythe against what im doing, please do show me it if there is one
      Mar 5, 2025
    4. LemonRS
      Fam, that is not called dropshipping. It called re-selling. Simple as that. Make yourself familiar with the terms you use. Still waiting for proof on both reports threads.
      Mar 5, 2025
  2. LemonRS
    LemonRS Arevski
    Just quit bullshitting already mate. There is even a second report about you where the reporter can even confirm of you using his pictures.
    1. Arevski
      Show me a rule on sythe that says I cant dropship accounts and provide recovery warranty for them, I looked well before I started doing this, and I let everyone know im not the original owner before they purchase the account as stated in the rules
      Mar 5, 2025
    2. LemonRS
      There is no account “dropshipping, but reselling”. There have been numerous people reporting of you using their pictures without their consent. Go check the second report made about you. People wouldnt report you if you were to “dropship” their accounts on their consent.
      Mar 5, 2025
    3. Arevski
      First of all, please link me to a post (on sythe) with the pictures that I used, second of all, they are getting the same price they would selling to someone from their discord, and I am essentially a middleman preventing customers from getting scammed while providing a platform on sythe
      Mar 5, 2025
  3. IronmanSeller
    IronmanSeller Bawls
    sorry man its hard when you are friends with any addict.
    1. IronmanSeller
      those screens made me cringe
      Mar 5, 2025
  4. davidsaroni128
  5. casinovaau
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  6. hyr
    hyr GamertagMaster
    What gts you got
  7. Attackz
    Buying 07 GP
  8. Zamira
  9. connoradill
    connoradill Valk err e
    Hey bro hmu on discord I really want to try and actually facilitate our deal. I really hope you didn’t scam me. If you’re going through something just communicate with me.
    1. ^ President likes this.
  10. tic88skin
  11. Visit NCEdCloud
  12. Car Enzy
    Car Enzy
    At Car Enzy, we specialize in helping individuals like you sell second-hand cars at best price. Visit here:
  13. SliceMasterHub
  14. FM88 Cloud
  15. wawanskylar
    Hello! I am a Verified seller✅.
  16. Salesrsgp
  17. Salesrsgp
  18. Salesrsgp
  19. Salesrsgp
  20. ahmet y
    ahmet y Yoke Wijaya
    nice person bought some accs :)

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