14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JohnK, Oct 18, 2011.

14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds
  1. Unread #81 - Oct 19, 2011 at 4:39 PM
  2. Meeder1
    Jun 6, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    Meeder1 Grand Master

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    She knew it was being recorded.

    She may not have asked, but she agreed to it.

    If someone is 14 they ARE NOT a child, they are a young adult, and i guarantee you she understands the consequences of her actions, and if she didn't shes stupid for it. Her thinking they wouldn't tell people is completely her fault. It's obvious that they would. Even if it didn't go viral, it would've gone around the school in no time.

    Also, i laugh at you thinking it to be sad that boys are asking out girls younger than them, hell you don't even know he asked her out in the first place. She was the one who sucked his dick to get him to stay anyway; so it doesn't matter who asked who out, it most definitely could have ended the same exact way. 14 isn't a child, 14 isn't a kid, get over it. I don't know what generation your part of, but kids grow up a hell of a lot faster now.
  3. Unread #82 - Oct 19, 2011 at 9:58 PM
  4. T V
    Aug 30, 2010
    Sythe Gold:
    Halloween 2013 Penguin

    T V Sum
    $100 USD Donor New

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    I was more surprised at how good she seemed to be at it given her age lol
  5. Unread #83 - Oct 19, 2011 at 10:02 PM
  6. Meeder1
    Jun 6, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    Meeder1 Grand Master

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    Exactly my point, she knew what she was doing. I doubt it was her first time.
  7. Unread #84 - Oct 20, 2011 at 2:51 AM
  8. Droppin' Pl8's
    May 2, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Droppin' Pl8's Forum Addict

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    It's apparent that many and or all of the following are true.
    1. You're a very young age
    2. you have never had a child
    3. you have never gotten a std
    4. never had a girl friend around the age of 14 at anytime or for that matter interacted with a 14 year old girl at any time.

    They are extremely easy to manipulate especially if "love" is a factor. for a young girl which is what she is emotions out beat intelligence everytime.

    A young adult is 16-21 which is why we have laws in place such as driving\smoking\drinking etc. because that is the time when you start to take responsibility for your own actions.

    Because I guarantee unless she has went through point 2-3 she obviously did not know what she was getting into. As for the rest of your first paragraph, I don't care about sex tapes thats not what I was getting at. I am simply pointing out the sexual act of any adolescent is wrong, especially with the girl being so young and the male being of a age where he should have some morals.

    It's ignorance like this that makes the world a bad place honestly. First I'm not saying boys asking younger girls out is wrong. The fact that a man asking a girl out is wrong. Also it doesn't matter who asked who out even if she did its obviously because she has a crush on him. he should have said "no you're still a kid" because thats what she is. What you're saying is it's ok for a 14 year old to go out and have sex with a 40 year old as long as the 14 year old finds the 40 year old attractive. ignorance sir ignorance.

    She did what she did once again because she is naive and she was going on emotion not intelligence as I stated already numerous times.

    I am actually 22 just so you know, you say children grow up a hell of a lot faster now? If thats the case then please explain why nearly every statistic about children from poor grades\crime\stds\pregnancy\abortion\drugs [I can go on forever] has stayed around the same or went up? So unless all those mature grown up kids are hiding in Michael Jacksons basement I think you're wrong.

    Edit: sorry to anyone who messaged me it's late tonight so didn't get to read through all the articles if there is something you posted you wish me to address please pm me and I will do such next time I'm on.
  9. Unread #85 - Oct 20, 2011 at 7:26 AM
  10. Meeder1
    Jun 6, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    Meeder1 Grand Master

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    How are you comparing a 14 and 17 year old to a 14 and 40 year old, not even the same ballpark.

    So it's her fault. How does that make it the boys problem? Maybe this will teach her a thing or two. I realize she was manipulated, and its something that happens every day in relationships. The guy was your average teenage horn dog, and she just wasn't smart enough to realize that. However, regarding the first quote, you definitely cannot base relationships between younger and older students on something like this. This is a bad apple, and I've seen plenty work out with lower/upperclassmen relationships.

    How can you compare the statistics of the first 2 things to the age that people start becoming sexually active? Pregnancy abortion, and STDs are also easily explained, the people know what they're doing. They use condonms. I will tell you the majority of girls in my area lost their virginity, and started using drugs ( Weed, Alcohol ) in either middle school, or as a freshman. So most of them would have been around the same age as this girl.

    Your assuming "growing up" means maturation, im simply using it as the age people start having sex or using drugs. Which maturation quite frankly isn't very involved in in most cases. Maybe i should have put something along the lines of " People are starting to do bad things earlier then the teenagers before them " - and this is true.
  11. Unread #86 - Oct 20, 2011 at 2:37 PM
  12. hit ur bongs
    Oct 2, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    hit ur bongs Active Member

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    anybody have the video for this?
  13. Unread #87 - Oct 20, 2011 at 3:19 PM
  14. Fox.
    Aug 31, 2011
    Sythe Gold:
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    Fox. Forum Addict
    $5 USD Donor New

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    I clicked the thread cause i thought there'd be a link :(
  15. Unread #88 - Oct 20, 2011 at 3:45 PM
  16. hit ur bongs
    Oct 2, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    hit ur bongs Active Member

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    yeah me to, this is bullshit i got my hopes up for fuckng nothing
  17. Unread #89 - Oct 20, 2011 at 4:53 PM
  18. Meeder1
    Jun 6, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    Meeder1 Grand Master

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    Your both fools if you think we are going to post a link to child porn.
  19. Unread #90 - Oct 20, 2011 at 9:41 PM
  20. ManyGash
    Apr 30, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    ManyGash Forum Addict
    Trade With Caution

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    I bet the majority of girls have their 'Chloe Ash' moment at some stage, I guess she will just have to live with it.

    Filthy slut.
  21. Unread #91 - Oct 20, 2011 at 9:43 PM
  22. ManyGash
    Apr 30, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    ManyGash Forum Addict
    Trade With Caution

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds


    I've just read closesly and got your pun, don't know if you intentionally meant it?!

    "So, sucks to be the girl"

    anyone else see this?
  23. Unread #92 - Oct 21, 2011 at 5:11 AM
  24. Droppin' Pl8's
    May 2, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Droppin' Pl8's Forum Addict

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    I did not have time to quote each of your paragraphs so I will address each paragraph with 1 paragraph of my own.

    Ok then where do you draw the line? what about a 20 year old and a 14 year old. it doesn't matter it's still the same thing. The fact is he should be acting more like an adult as he will become one in a year. she is a kid she probably has just hit puberty... I mean really are you that blinded by ignorance that you can't understand that?

    I'm not saying it was all his fault I agree all of them deserve all that ever happens to them. lol really listen to you "manipulation happens every day in relationships" maybe in a bad one lol. The idea of love is to have enough respect of your significant other to not manipulate them to do what you want. What you seem to think is love is simply lust, which isn't called a deadly sin for nothing.

    Did you even read what I said? It was in rebutle to your statement that kids are growing up quicker. If kids were doing such all these statistics would be lower because they would be more intelligent\mature correct? Condoms do not protect 100% against anything and don't protect at all from stds. so try again. and the end of your paragraph simply adds more flame to my side of the debate and exstinguishes whats left of yours, so thank you.

    What else would growing up mean? every day we live we gain a wealth of knowledge which adds to our maturity. Just because you go through puberty doesn't mean that it's ok\right\safe etc. to do so. also since when can you label drug abuse as growing up? lol it seems you still have quite a bit to learn.
  25. Unread #93 - Oct 21, 2011 at 9:33 AM
  26. Meeder1
    Jun 6, 2010
    Sythe Gold:

    Meeder1 Grand Master

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds

    You really think this is a good relationship? Im not sure how you can compare it to one. He's already told her that hes breaking up with her, its obvious that anything beyond that point is worthless to the relationship. The girl must have the need for just as much lust considering she was willing to do it anyway. I don't think you can expect kids in highschool to have a good, healthy relationship. Yet alone one where they have the utmost respect for one another; because ill tell you thats rare.

    You assume growing up means they're becoming more intelligent? Thats not the case.

    growing present participle of grow (Verb)
    (of a living thing) Undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically; progress to maturity.

    Growing up isn't always a sign of maturity, which is definitely most clear in this case. You even said it yourself, the boy wasn't acting like an adult; age doesn't mean intelligence or maturity in this case, even though it might in general. Condoms do not protect 100% against anything your right, but you act like if all teenagers didn't use condoms the statistics wouldn't go up? Im telling you they would. Even if its not 100% effective, its damn effective.

    According to a 2000 report by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), correct and consistent use of latex condoms reduces the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission by approximately 85% relative to risk when unprotected
    The perfect use pregnancy rate of condoms is 2% per year.[49] Condoms may be combined with other forms of contraception (such as spermicide) for greater protection.
    Don't know what extinguishment your talking about in my quote.

    You seem to make the exact same mistake as me buddy, growing up DOES NOT mean intelligence, or maturity in all cases. Im sure you know a few people who have never grown out of their 15 year old mind, and never will; and more than likely this guy will be one of those people. Considering what they did, they did at school; i seriously doubt he takes his education very seriously. Which just bolsters my argument that in the case of this boy age doesn't mean intelligence or maturity.
  27. Unread #94 - Oct 21, 2011 at 10:01 AM
  28. Zerkeronrs7
    Aug 9, 2011
    Sythe Gold:

    Zerkeronrs7 Guru

    14 year old girl filmed giving head to a 17 year old on school grounds


    I dont really think its bad, just the fact that the video was posted publicly is bad though. Alot of 14 year old girls at my school do this.
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